Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fuckin' Ikea.

First let's talk about their layout.  It is designed to make you walk past everything they have.  They claim that there are shortcuts but they are not readily apparent or signed well.  This is fucking deliberate and evil.  If there is ever a fire, lots of people are going to die and it will be their fault.

When the zombie apocalypse happens Ikea stores will be a good tool for dealing with them.  Once they're inside they will never find their way out.

I only went there for a replacement transformer for a lamp I had because they made it unfixable.  Opening it was difficult enough. the plastic case was sealed with a solvent.  What really sucks is that half the components were under a black blob, so that even if I bothered to figure out which one was at fault, I wouldn't be able to replace it.

Of course I couldn't just buy a new transformer.  That would hurt lamp sales.  Being impatient I decided to just be a sucker and buy the lamp.  Of course they don't have a lamp section in the showroom, so I had to work out what type of room they expected that type of lamp to be used in before I could buy one.

I finally found it.  It works but probably won't last long.

What happened to the middle market, something between Ikea and Herman Miller?  Whenever I want something of good quality without a bunch of bullshit prestige branding I have to scour the thrift stores and garage sales for something from the '60's or earlier.